Saturday, December 26, 2009

Draped and dotted and dazed and confused

Yay, outfit post, my last one was, eeeh.. 2 months ago?
Today I got little inspired by Balenciaga Fall Winter 2009/2009 - draped skirts, dotted tights, right? 

/I'm wearing: skirt - self-made; tights - Lindex; bag, top - thirft store/


That's my third shredded tee already, because shredding is such an addictive activity. tutorial here!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DIY tutorial: clutch with feathers

You'll need:
*a clutch
*a bunch of decorative feathers
*hot glue gun
*a embellished ribbon
* acrylic paint + brush

1.First I took this old brown clutch, it's nice but bit... boring.

2.Start gluing feathers on the clutch, use hot glue gun (be careful, I burned my thumb least four times) or some other strong clue.

3.Paint your bag with black acrylic paint, let the paint dry and then add the second layer. (If you're wiser than me, then paint before adding the feathers) Skip this step if your bag is already black or in some other colour which matches with your feathers.

4.Finally I glued on the embellished ribbon. I know, it looks bit tacky but it's good to hide... that place where I glued on the feathers, because it's look ugly and add little touch of glamour.

This not that kind of bag I would buy (although I would wear) but I had lot of fun while making it and that's the most important.

Happy holidays!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My room

I promised to show you my room, of course I'd like to show you more but my room is really dark and it's hard to get good photos.

Some of my jewelry

Favourite part of my room... my desk! my inspiration&message board, vinyl clock and really really messy desk.

books&magazines, mostly magazines :D

And 2010 calender with awesome photos. I show you my favourites - May and April. Photos by Laura Kallasvee (, clothes by Liisi Eesmaa ( and make-up by Mammu.'s ilmus minust sel nädalal persoonilugu, lugege siit

Sunday, December 20, 2009


So it's finally time for answers to your questions. Sorry it took so much time and still didn't managed to answer to all the questions. I tried to answer in English and also in Estonian. Answers may be little bit different cause I had so many troubles with all those things, for example I tried to make all the questions bold but here's what came out:

(I know my blog is bit.. boring lately, so few new posts. I've been extremely busy but I'm already working on the new DIY project so I hope that I can show something more interesting soon;=)

1.your favourite movie? 2 days is Paris, The Italian Job (2003)
2.what kind of music do you like? ;P and the bands/ artists you like as well. Here comes one long list and those are only some of the artists I listen to: Gossip, Kings of Leon, Soho Dolls, Lykke Li, Charlotte Gainsbourg, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Belle and Sebastian, Brigitte Bardot, Franz Ferdinand, Guns N' Roses, Peaches
3.Where does your inspiration come from? I usually listen to good music when I'm making jewelry, phots or dressing up. And that way music inspires me . But inspiration also come from movies, books, magazines, blogs.
5.if you could only wear one color family (i.e. blues, reds, yellows) for the rest of your life, what would it be? I hope that I'll actually never have to choose one colour, it would be impossible
5. Are your parents somehow related with fashion/ music/ other cultural subjects? no much time does making of one zipper cuff takes? over 10 hours, maybe I'm just slow. Final touch and sewing the lining take most of the time.
7.when&where did you born? In Tartu, 16th of the August, 1995
8.where did you learn speaking English so well? In school of course and I'm still learing, least 4 years more. And I wish I was better. you have a boyfriend? No
10.are there some mean bitches in your school, who stare at you? I don't know anyone certain but mean bitches are everywhere! :D you have good grades in school? Yes.., quite, least I'm content with myself.
13.what are your future plans? I don't like to plan my future but I'm definitely trying to continue that blog. 
14.where do you want to pursue your education? There are some good art schools in Estonia  too but of course I dream about living in a cozy flat in Paris  and going to school there. you get monthly pocket money, how much? No, I get pocket money when I ask for  it and I need it for something certain.. and and earn some money by myself you also shop in other stores besides thrift stores? yes but I don't find cool clothes from there so often. 
18.what are your future plans for DIY projects? I have so much different feathers so I'm probably going to make something of them. us your room and closet? See my closet - here, and soon you can also see my room. you're a model right? actually not, maybe soon. At the moment I'm still bit short.
22.from where did come the idea to open your own fashionblog and be a "fashionista"?
My reason for starting this blog was sharing my DIY experiences with others.
23.Which material do you use for making zipper cuffs? I use thick black felt fabric, it something like which coats are made of.   
25.Do you still do magazine exchange? If yes, which magazines do you send and which magazines you receive? Yes I exchanged magazines with one French girl, she sent me couple of Paris Vogues. And I sent some Estonian fashion magazines to her.
26.Where does your interest in fashion come from? I really can't remember  where did it start but it's growing every day 
29.Do you need to be sort of rich do choose and dress so freely? No, as you can see most of my clothes come from thirft stores.  Only shoes/boots and big bags are more expensive because I haven't found those from thrift stores so far.  
32.Do you have a style icon? No but I really like US Elle style director Kate Lanhpear's style
33.I know that you have siblings( two, three?)I have 3 sisters - Meeri(9), Tuuli(12), Liisi(19).  
34.Do they have blogs as well? Yes Tuuli  has a blog - fallie's scrapbook  

1.Mis su lemmik film on? 2 days in Paris - Saab naerda, mõelda, Pariisi imetleda. The Italian Job (2003) Parim tagaajamisfilm koos ilusate autodega (loomulikult Mini Cooperitega)
2.Milline muusika sulle meeldib? nimeta mõned bändid/artistid. Gossip, Lykke Li, The Kills, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Ladyhawke, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Kings of Leon,  
3.Kust saad inpiratsiooni? Mulle meeldib nt ehete, piltide tegemise, riiete valimise vms  ajal muusikat kuulata. Tavaliselt loob see õige meeleolu ja sel viisil ka inspireerib mind.
4.Kui sa saaksid kogu oma ülejäänud elu kanda ainult ühte värvi, milline see oleks? Ma loodan, et sellist asja kunagi ei juhtu, et ma peaksin ainult ühe värvi valima..
5.Kaua sul võtab ühe enda lukukäevõru vms tegemine aega? Vähemalt 10 tundi (ega ma neid järjest ühe korraga ei teegi valmis). Võibolla olen ma lihtsalt aeglane, aga kõige rohkem võtab aega lõppviimistlus ja tahaküljele voodri õmblemine. 
6.Kas Tartu kui elukeskkond on Sinu stiili kujunemist mõjutanud? Tartu on tore linn, aga mulle tundub, et see mu riietumist küll ei mõjuta. Kui ma elaksin Tallinnas, kas ma siis riietuksin teistmoodi? Ise tahaks uskuda et mitte. Aga enne ei saa teada, kui järele ei proovi (Tallinnas elamist).
7.Kuna ja kus sa sündisid?16.august, Tartu
8.Kust sa õppisid inglise keelt rääkima? Koolis loomulikult ja õpin vähemalt 4 aastat veel. Ma loomulikult soovin, et ma oskaksin paremini, aga usun et blogimine ja üldse internetis suhtlemine inglise keeles aitab kaasa. Ilmselt suur osa sõnavarast tulebki filmidest ja internetist.
9.Kas sul on poiss-sõber? ei
10.Kas koolis on ka neid õelaid Bitche kes nn imelikult vaatavad sind ja sinu stiili? Eks neid ikka ole, igalpool. Aga kedagi kindlat ma küll välja tuua ei oska (ja kui oskaksingi, siis ma ilmselt ei teeks seda :D)
12.Mis hinded sul on? neljad-viied
13.Mis on su tulevikuplaanid ?  Mulle ei meeldi oma tulevikku kaugele ette planeerida, aga esialgu proovin ikka selle blogiga jätkata.
14.Kuhu kooli soovid edasi õppima minna ?  Eestis on ka kindlasti häid ülikoole aga muidugi ma võin unistada elamast hubases katusekorteris Pariis ja seal koolis käimast.
16.Kas saad ka kuus taskuraha, palju? Ma ei saa igakuulist taskuraha, saan tavaliselt siis, kui millegi kindla asja jaoks vaja on. Ja palju asju ostan ka enda teenitud raha eest.
17.Kas sa shoppad ka kaubamajades jne? Ja ikka, aga nendest ma leian lihtsalt harvemini sobivaid riideid.
18.Kus asub tartus taaskasutuspoed kus müüakse ka mööblit jne, sisustusesemeid? Näiteks Tartu Taaskasutuskeskuses ja selle õuel on päris mitu vana mööbliga kauplevat poodi. Ise olen sealt ostnud kingariiuli ja ühe vanaaegsete raamidega peegli.
20.Tuleviku plaanid , ma mida veel tahaksid nn DIY projektiks teha , ideid? Kuna kevadel oli mul mingi sulgede teema, ostsin neid igalpoolt võimalikult palju kokku. Nüüd nad seisavad seal sahtlis ja oleks vist nendega midagi ette võtta.
21.Näita meile oma tuba ja riidekappi? Riidekappi juba nägite (siin), varsti näete ka tuba:)
22.Kas sa oled modell? Ei, vähemalt veel mitte, peaksin paar sentimeetrit veel kasvama
24.kuidas tuli mõte avada moeblogi ja hakata nii-öelda "stiilimutiks" Haha, ega see vast ei ole niisama, et võtan kätte ja hakkan. Aga blogi algseks eesmärgiks oli mul vast omatehtud asjade (DIY projektide) kõigiga jagamine.
25.Mis materjali sa kasutasid aluseks käevõrude ja kõrvarõngaste tegemisel? (seda musta mõtlen). See on selline vildi moodi riie, nagu mantliriie või midagi sellist.
26.Palju sa selle etsy poega teeninud oled? (ei pea vastama, kui see on isiklik info)? Täpset summat ei oska isegi öelda, aga uue kaamerale objektiivi ostuks veel raha koos ei ole :D
27.Kas sa tegeled veel sellega ajakirjavahetusega? Kui jah siis mis ajakirju sa saadad ja saad ise vastu? Jah, ühe prantsuse tüdrukuga. Tema on saatnud mulle paar Pariisi Vogue. Ise soovis ta vastu Eesti moeajakirju, neid just palju pole:D
28.Kust tuleb sinu huvi moe vastu? Ma ei mäleta kahjuks, kust see alguse sai. Aga kindel on see, et see suureneb iga päevaga.
28.Kas sul on stiilikoon? keegi keda ma pidevalt jälgiks ja kelle stiili ma jäljendada püüaksin, ei. Aga mulle meeldib näiteks Kate Lanphear.
29. Kas sul on õdesid-vendi? Jah, 3 õde - Meeri, Tuuli, Liisi
30. Kas neil on ka blogid? Jah Tuulil on blogi Fallie's scrapbook 

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Curse


photographer: Tuuli
model: me
location: in the middle of nowhere
styling: DIY Rodarte inspired striped sweater, grey floor length cardigan - thirfted, boots- Vagabond, bag - thirfted

Thursday, December 10, 2009

DIY Rodarte inspired sweater

Okay, here is it. At the moment only one bad photo, I think it looks actually better :D. Of course it came out 2x bigger than it should be, so I'm not going to make tutorial, just one tip: Use thin mohair yarn but large knitting needles!

Pure perfection

Marit Ilison FW 2009/10 lookbook,

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Closet Survey

So here's my closet, not very big, not glamorous, not very colourful. Actually I have more clothes but not enough clothes hangers and most of clothes (blouses, tees, sweaters) are on the shelves.

Today I did little survey and what can I see?... High-street brands are dying out of my closet. No need to say that most of my clothes are from thrift stores. I also got some vintage or just old clothes which I've found from my home (from attic and basement). Those probably belonged to my mom or aunt one day. Plus few self-made clothes.

Now I'm going to answers some questions, which I found from I'm talking only about those clothes you can see in the photo, so things like winter coats, boots and bags doesn't count.

Most expensive thing in your closet? jeans from high-street shop, about 40$, next thing would be blouse with golden sequins, thrifted 15$
A print you have a lot of?
I have one thing with almost every print - zebra, leopard, striped, dotted, floral, checkered
What is your favorite color to wear?
Favorite tee shirt?
Oversized tee with big wolf print, thrifted 3$
Least expensive thing in your closet?
Pink suede skirt, thrifted 1$
Anything stolen in there?
No but everything is criminally cheap
Do you have a walk in closet?
Only in my dreams
Is you closet big enough?
Oh no, definitely not!
Ever kissed anyone in there?, should play 7 minutes in heaven.
Something embarrasing thats in your closet?
well... my old drawings and painting are lying on the bottom of my closet.
Are your hangers wire, plastic or wooden?
Mostly wooden
What color are they?
brown, some plastic ones are purple
Any food in there?
No, food is the last thing I'm thinking while getting dressed.
Do you keep accessories in your closet?
No I have shelves for bags, shoes and belts
Whats one item that someone frequently borrows?
blue blazer with golden buttons, thrifted 2$
Does it make you mad when people take things out of your closet without asking?
yes! but actually I'm used to it.
Favorite jeans?
Oh, well I don't wear jeans very much. I have 3 pairs. One of those is extremely ripped and bleached, then I have my flame jeans. The last pair is usual black jeans and I wear them only if I can't find my black tights.
Any posters hanging in there?
No but I had idea to cover doors' inner sides with pages from magazines.
What color are the walls?
natural wood aka ugly brown
One thing you would change about it?
More space, uh?
Are you satisfied with your closet completely?
It's the best thing in my room after my bed.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


It's time for the questionS&answers post! So start asking, ...what do you want to know about me. Ask whatever you want to, though not anything extremely personal. I'd prefer fashion/style/music/films etc. related questions. And one day I'll make a post with the answers.
(Leave your question(s) under that post)

(Just one old photo, backstage at Camyland show)

Friday, December 4, 2009

DIY TUTORIAL: Shoulder pads

Cause some of you were interested in the shoulder pads I made and had lot of questions I decided to make a little tutorial, actually just some tips.

At first you need (to make exactly the same shoulder pads I made but there's thousands of ways to create embellished shoulders, be creative!):
*2 foam shoulder pads, should be available at every fabric shop, in different sizes and shapes.
*Of course a thread and a needle + some pins.
*50 large bronze/golden studs, available at
*2 7/8" Coque Feather Fringe, I ordered from

Handsew the feather fringe on the shoulder pads, then add the studs to hide the stiches. When it's done, sew the shoulder pads with couple of stiches on your favourite blazer or t-shirt.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

DIY: Shoulder pads with studs and feathers

Again I have to start my post with telling - I'm sick, again. I had a bunch of big bronze studs and the beautiful coque feather fringe, so I decided to make shoulder pads. I wasn't able to make some photos while wearing those because I look terrible (fever makes people look bad :D). I hope that I'll get some better photos soon, oh and my Rodarte insipired sweater is also ready. I should do a big photoshoot one day to show you all my new creations and recent buys.