Friday, December 31, 2010


Have an awesome New Year's Eve and wonderful new year!

Made this one for myself earlier today. Probably too much for everyday wear but maybe for tonight...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

DIY Acne sweater

Finished that one while ago. It was actually quite easy to make. Didn't even use any patterns, though that's probably the reason it turned out too big but I'm still satisfied. Use two different (mohair) yarns to achieve the effect;)

and the original one

Sunday, December 26, 2010

behind the walls

Sorry I've been away for a while. I was quite busy working on a styling job for a photo shoot with Aleksandra Podburtnaja. Two days before the shoot the most terrible thing happened - I caught a cold. Not like 'fun, staying home from school, watching TV' sick but like very sick 'staying in bed all day long'. There was no way I could to the photo shoot in Tallinn. I was quite panicked out but in the end everything worked out. I sent the clothes to Tallinn and directed the shoot through mobile phone. It was quite humourous, I must say. Now I'm very excited to see the final result. At the moment I have four behind-the-scenes photos to show you. Did I mention that the shoot took place in a old, ice cold prison? At this point I'm glad I didn't have to be there...

Sunday, December 19, 2010



Jei, Fankadelik sai uue sildi ja nende uus koduleht avati ka eile. Go tsekk it out!
Btw peale ägeda vintage kraami saab sealt ka mu kõrvakaid osta.
Vana-Viru 6
E-R 12.00-20.00
P 12.00-18.00 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that if you're planning to get some ear cuffs from Christmas you should better hurry!; )click here. Here's some new styles I've added recently

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Just mentioning. Tegemist on telesaatega, kus saate lõpuks selgub parim läbi pildistamiste ja vahevõistluste. Ja kindlasti ei tule sellest mingit Eesti versiooni Ameerika supermodellidest, vaid midagi täiesti teistsugust ja põnevamat:) Ma soovitan ikka osa võtta, kaotada pole ju midagi;)

Oleme Eesti moevaldkonnas tegutsevad noored  Nele Kadastik ja Taavi Tiidt. Plaanime alustada Eestis ainulaadse moeteemalise telesaatega ning otsime oma saate pilootepisoodi modelle. Kui oled või tead kedagi, kes on vähemalt 168 cm pikk, puusaümbermõõt jääb alla 92 cm, vöökoht on alla 65 cm ning sul ole modelliagentuuriga lepingut, siis võta meiega ühendust meili teel:
 Kindlasti palume arvestada, et peamine võttekoht on Tartu. Kui tahad kaasa lüüa Eestis ainulaadses moeprojektis siis ära kõhkle! Saada oma portree ning täispikkuses pilt meie meilile, lisa ees ja perekonnanimi, vanus (võiks olla 15-22 vahel) ja lühike põhjendus, miks me peaksime valima just sind ning võidki osutuda valituks. Kasuks tulevad ka teadmised moevaldkonnast.
Taavi Tiidt ja Nele Kadastik

nb! Viimane võimalus oma ankeet saata: 8.detsember