Friday, March 12, 2010

Triinu Pungits

Well... today took part of Estonian language olympiad,I did some sucessful thrift store shopping, took lame photos in stores changing rooms, had 2 hours of dance class, ate.. too much and last but not least went to see Triinu Pungits collection presentation. I had seen photos of that collection before but it was even more amazing in real life. Details, details, details. I also attended her show in last March. Check my post about that - here.It was same good as the show today only that venue was 100 times cooler then.
Anyway here are only couple of photos I took, if you want to get great overview and sharper photos - click here.

My absoulute favourite is this one - donkey head hood!

And tomorrow I'm going to vist least three flea markets and fashion fairs. I'll let you know if I got something super cool.