Friday, April 16, 2010

Body zipper + ERKI moeshow casting

Võibolla olete juba kuulnud, et jällegi on oodata ERKI moeshowd nagu igal kevadel. Seekord on toimumispaigaks Vabaduse väljaku maa-alune parkla ja ajaks 29.mai kell 18.00. Igal juhul on ürituse korraldamine täies hoos ja juba otsitakse julgeid ja aktiivseid inimesi, kes esineksid show vaheetüüdidel. Tundub väga lahe ja soovitaksin kõigil castingust osa võtta;)

Hey, this was about the big fashion show for Estonian young designers which takes place in Tallinn on the 29th May, so I wrote only in Estonian. But if you happen to be in Tallinn at this time I would suggest you to go there. Based on my last year experience it was very cool. I'll give you some more information later.
Anyway I've been working on some body zipper jewelry lately, just for fun. I've seen many body chains but I wanted to try to do the same thing from zippers. Here's the first one: