Friday, October 29, 2010


One little photodiary again.
/cardigan - American Apparel, pants - Monki, necklace - Lauren Manoogian courtesy of Bona Drag, wedges - Vagabond, photos by Liisa/
On Sunday I helped Gerda to style photos for her portfolio. More information and results soon ;)
And one pic from a beauty fair few week ago.
/jacket by Mirjam Aasma, available at Fankadelik; photo by Kais Tolmats/
Oh and check out the ear cuff store, I just added some new ones with awesome long black feathers.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Recently I received this laptop bag from a UK site called Bags of Love. There you can get any photo you want printed on a canvas, bag, pillow... basically on everything. I placed my order while ago so I'm actually already over of galaxy print. But I'm sure the bag still will become very useful ; ) 

Monday, October 18, 2010

triangle walks

Finally restocked the ear cuffs with blue feather and/or silver crosses you were all asking about. Check them out - here.

Oh and I also wanted to give you a hint of my upcoming DIY project. I know I haven't done any in a while but now you can be sure that least one is coming. That's the awesome Acne sweater and I even have couple of first rows already knitted.
Something from the fashion bloggers' flea market I told you about in the last post. The event was very successful and many thanks to Lisa Mai who organised all this and to everyone who came.

PS! Kas te olete omale ikka juba Tallinn Fashion Weekile pileti(d) muretsenud? Kui ei, siis selleks on teil veel üks võimalus. Nimelt ostes kuni 1.novembrini Rahva Raamatust või Apollost raamatu "Moepiibel 2010" ja saates ostutšeki numbri aadressile: saate pileti ühele showle täiesti tasuta;) Rohkem infot TFW kohta leiad - siit.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blogijate moeturg

Hey, sorry I haven't posted in a while.... it's hard to even describe how busy I've been. On this Saturday we're having a bloggers' market where Estonian fashion bloggers are selling their clothes, accessories and self-made stuff. So at the moment I'm preparing for this and picking out clothes from my wardrobe what to sell.
Sel laupäeval 16.oktoobril, kell 12.00-17.00 olen müümas blogijate moeturul Cafe Petersonis (Narva mnt 15). Plaanisin teha asjadest, mida müün ka pilte, aga kahjuks ma pole selleks veel seni aega leidnud. Igal juhul on mul juba suur hunnik riideid kapist välja sorteeritud, mis müüki tuleb. Lisaks veel mõned kotid, vööd ja ehted. Äkki on teil mingeid erisoove? nt kui keegi soovib neid sulgedega kõrvaehteid, siis võin neid ka kaasa võtta;)

Rohkem informatsiooni leiate - siit. / facebook.

Võtke siis sularaha ka kaasa, sest kaardiga ju maksta ei saa;) Isegi kui ostusoovi ei ole, tulge niisama vaatama;) see you there!
As I don't like post without photos here are some of Kate from PaniEkscelencja wearing the white ear cuff with crosses on her blog; )

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Sometimes unrealistic wishes really come true. If you have followed my blog for some time, then you maybe have noticed that my favourite online shop is Bona Drag. With Tuuli we got chance to model some pieces for them. Two Seneca Rising jumpsuits in black and blue and two necklaces by Lauren Mangoonian. Both jumpsuits are available - here and necklaces - here.