Monday, October 18, 2010

triangle walks

Finally restocked the ear cuffs with blue feather and/or silver crosses you were all asking about. Check them out - here.

Oh and I also wanted to give you a hint of my upcoming DIY project. I know I haven't done any in a while but now you can be sure that least one is coming. That's the awesome Acne sweater and I even have couple of first rows already knitted.
Something from the fashion bloggers' flea market I told you about in the last post. The event was very successful and many thanks to Lisa Mai who organised all this and to everyone who came.

PS! Kas te olete omale ikka juba Tallinn Fashion Weekile pileti(d) muretsenud? Kui ei, siis selleks on teil veel üks võimalus. Nimelt ostes kuni 1.novembrini Rahva Raamatust või Apollost raamatu "Moepiibel 2010" ja saates ostutšeki numbri aadressile: saate pileti ühele showle täiesti tasuta;) Rohkem infot TFW kohta leiad - siit.