Friday, November 6, 2009

Marit Ilison

It's Tallinn Fashion Week at the moment and today I went to Marit Ilison pret-a-porter show. I was very suprised when I found out that my seat is in the front row. Generally was show very mystic and enchanting. It was very refreshing to see something wearable but it still didn't look like a high street fashion (which is good of course). Clothes were from the top to bottom black but with very many different textures and sheer fabric, which I absolutely love. Models had some strange face paintings with gothic vibe. Zippers and feathers made it perfect.

More photos later

Eile käisime Tuuliga Tallina Moenädala raames toimunud Marit Ilisoni kollektsiooni esitlusel. Ma olin väga üllatunud kui avastasin et meie kohad on esimeses reas. Show oli üldiselt väga müstiline ja lummav. Oli värskendav näha midagi, mis oli väga kantav, aga ei näinud siiski välja nagu massimood (see on muidugi hea). Riided olid üleni mustad, lisandiks mõned läbikumava kanga laigud. Suled ja lukud olid täpiks i-l